pondělí 28. dubna 2008

Polish research

What are the Polish students looking for? Let´s have a look and find it.


What is a pellet-

It is the mass of untdigested parts of bird’s food (bones, fur,
feathers). and thent the pellet is formed in a stomach as a removed through the beak- longitudinal lump

Collecting pellets we can analyze owls’ eating habits.


Research - Owl

Day of Earth 2008


úterý 22. dubna 2008


Our biology group has prepared the signs for the school building. Our janitor decided to place the signs in the classes and in the toilet rooms. We hope that the electricity will be saved.


pondělí 21. dubna 2008

Our spring trip to the forest


Not far from our school we have a small part of the forest which we look after and help to keep alive. it is good for us because we can observe nature there. here is our presentation.

neděle 20. dubna 2008

Polish trip 3

Polish trip 2

Polish spring trip

Zoology competiton

The first part is over. Only two of the Czech students were disqualified. This week we will go on. The Czech teacher will prepare questions.

Zoology competition

Zoology competition

Rules :

  1. The competition is for Polish and Czech eTwinning students.
  2. The first stage will last 10 days. It starts 31 III 2008 and finishes 11 IV 2008 (weekend is not included, only school days )
  3. Every day ,by 12 o’clock the organizer will publish 2 questions on eTwinning space ( in the forum) so the questions will be avilable for all students.
  4. Every competitor will have time until 12 o’clock of the next day to find the information on the Internet etc. and send the answer.
  5. The answer must be sent to Polish Biology teacher – Beata Rychlik (using Twinspace ).
  6. The answers after that time will not be count out. ( a competitor will get 0 points )
  7. The answers will be checked by Polish biology teacher always on the next day.
  8. Students will get 1 point for every correct answer.
  9. Every student will be able to check if he/ she got the point and what was the correct answer.
  10. Students who will not send the answers for 2 days will be disqualified.
  11. Every student will get a certificate for taking part in the competition.
  12. The competition will be in a form of quiz with 3 possible answers, a student has to choose one possiblity and send the answer to Polish biology teacher using eTwinning space.
  13. The best students will take part in the second stage of the competition which will last 5 days ( in April ).

úterý 18. března 2008

úterý 4. března 2008

Jan K. and his music

At this time, it's my most popular song. Genre is oldchool dance or... something like that. In one part of the song you can hear scratching, this made for me DJ Pacific. So enjoy listening... :)
Size : 3.933876 Mbytes
Published by : Jan K.
Date : 2008/02/28 20:19


pondělí 3. března 2008

Rules in the National Parks

Visitors must keep the time and space restrictions. Mountain climbing can be carried out only by organized mountaineers on determinated places.

Skiing is allowed only along marked ski routes and slopes or along the marked tourist paths open at that time.

Bicycle riding is allowed only along public roads and cyclist´s routes determinated and marked on cyclist maps.

Parachute and sail-planes hops are allowed only after written permission of the TANAP Administration in determined areas.

Camping and parking is allowed only on determined and marked places

The environment of TANAP is protected as a whole. It is forbidden to pick up flowers and to damage plants of any kinds.

To catch, kill or pick any kinds of animals in any of their developement stage, to disturb their life activities by noise, to feed the animals, to throw stones etc. is forbidden.

It is forbidden to pollute the environment with waste, to wash cars, to make fire, to swim in moutain lakes and creeks.

The instructions of the corresponding are binding for the visitors.

Tatra National Park

Tatra folklore is as important to the Tatra National Park as its natural environment. Mountain traditions are unique and strongly supported and they embrace dialect, clothing and customs of Tatra highlanders. Their past lives in glorious legends, and is preserved in mountain shrines, churches and huts. Unique Tatra style of architecture developed there on the turn of the 19th century.


The National Park of Wielkopolska

The National Park of Wielkopolska was created on April 16, 1957 pursuant to a regulation by the Council of Ministers, the area within its borders was 9600ha, and 5100 was to be administered by the Park. In 1996 a new regulation by the Council of Ministers concerning the National Park limited its area to 7584ha and created a protected buffer zone around the Park. This zone's area, together with the area of the Park, totaled 14840ha. Some areas were excluded form the Park, such as the urban areas of Puszczykowo, Mosina and Stęszew. The National Park of Wielkopolska is located around 15 km south of Poznań and has a very convenient bus and train connection with this city (Poznań- Wrocław rail line), and through Poznań, thanks to many fast trains, also with Warsaw.
18 areas of strict preservation were created within the Park, with a total area of 260ha. They preserve various forms of postglacial landscape and the most pristine flora complexes, as well as the animals living there. The protected area also encompasses 32 tree monuments and an erratic boulder.
The National Park of Wielkopolska is a true tourist magnet, with over a million visitors a year. Five tourist tracks with a total length of 85 km cut through the Park. Those tracks form 7 tourist trails enabling a visitor to learn a lot, not only about the nature, but also about the culture of this region
The Park is home to many monuments. One of the most precious ones is the wooden church in Łódź from the 17th century. Other old churches of a slightly lesser value are to be seen in the towns of Puszczykowo, Stęszew and Wiry.
In the villages of Szreniawa and Trzebaw you can see well-preserved mansions from the 19th century. Another attraction are the ruins of a small castle built in 1827 by Tytus Działyński for his sister Klaudyna Potocka on
the Castle Island on Lake Góreckie.


Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy

(Polish: Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy) is a national park in mid-Poland, in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship. It covers the highest ridge of the Góry Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross Mountains) - the Lysogory, with two highest peaks - Lysica (612 meters above sea level) and Lysa Gora (595 meters above sea level). It also covers eastern part of the Klonowski Ridge and part of the Pokrzywianski Ridge.


Ojcowski National Park

Ojcowski National Park (Polish: Ojcowski Park Narodowy) is a national park in Lesser Poland Voivodeship , southern Poland, established in 1956.

It is Poland's smallest national park, with an original area of 14.40 km² since expanded to 21.46 km². Of this area, 15.28 km² is forested and 2.51 km² is strictly protected. The park is approximately 16 kilometers north of Kraków, in the Jurassic Rock Kraków- Częstochowa Upland.


Symbols of Polish national Parks


In this presentation you can see all the names and symbols of the Polish National Parks

The Bieszczadzki National Park

The Bieszczadzki National Park was established on August 4, 1973. Over the past few years, the Park has been enlarged significantly and now totals at 27,064 ha with forests covering most of its area (64%). The Park includes parts of the Bieszczady Mountains, which are the westernmost part of the Eastern Beskidy Mountains Range. The Park is located in the southeastern tip of Poland. Since 1992, the Park has been included on the list of the World Biosphere Reserves.

čtvrtek 28. února 2008

Ondra - the winner

Ondra took part in the regional English competition in Česká Lípa yesterday. He was the winner. Congratulations!

pondělí 25. února 2008

Our Polish friends- pictures


Our Polish friends are working on the birdfeeders.

Laboratory work


We are working inside. There is no snow to take footprints outside. But inside, you can see a lot of things, too.


this is the Czech version of the presentation.

Polish birdfeeders 2

It is nice that there is another group of people who has the same hobby.

Polish birdfeeders

Our Polish students also make birdfeeders and feed and observe the birds.

neděle 17. února 2008

Birds-- presentations from our Polish partner school




We can study the birds also in Latin now. it will be our next task to find the Czech equvalents.

Polish presentations

Our Polish students have also built birdfeeders. Here is the evidence. Well done, our friends.


pátek 15. února 2008

Falcons- birds´show


Every year, there is a big event in our school. A group of people come to our school with birds like owls, eagles, falcons, kestrels, vultures and others. In the school sport staduim, they show the students these birds and what they can do. The birds, they keep are those, who have been injured or found and can´t go back to the nature. THese pictures are quite old but it is almost alwys the same.

Our bird feeders


In this presentation, we wanted to show how we made the bird feeders in the schoolworkshop. I think that it was a good job and the students could see how important the bird feeders are for our garden birds. It was nice how they worked together.

čtvrtek 14. února 2008

My bird feeder

Bird feeder / Tereza B./

We made our bird feeders in the school workshop with the help of some friends from the other class sekunda B and our teacher Mrs Tulkova. It was quite interesting and easy.

What have I done with it? I live on the outskirts of Ceska Lipa in Ziznikov. I have fixed the feeder between two trees in the garden.

I feed the birds with sunflower seeds and bird fat and I can observe sparrows, tits, spotted woodpeckers.

There are also some wood pigeons which eat leftovers from the ground.

It is my first bird feeder. I think that I know the birds better now.

Birds what we know about them in English

We have studied some of the birds. In biology the students have to recognize all of them. In English they prepared some information about the birds they like or know. The whole contribution can be used in any future lessons of English or biology.

středa 13. února 2008

Our sponsored child Mary


Sekunda A is the class which have been chosen to write letters to our Indian adopted child Mary. She was born on 15th September 1996 in India in the region Karnaka and comes from a poor family. She is a Christian-catholic. We send money for her school attendance every year and so she can get clothes, school equipment, shoes, school food for that. It is very good. Last year we watched a documentary about this part of India and about the children who can´t go to school and who live in the scrapheap. We are very happy that we can support our child and we have decided to eneble her to finish her compulsory school attendance.

úterý 12. února 2008

Czech Christmas

This is our wish for the Polish student. You can hear our popular Christmas carol.

Christmas in Poland


This is the file we got from our Polish friends before Christmas. It is very interesting and we got a lot of new information.

Our school


This is the presentation which was created by Jan, one of the students from the class.

Talking animals

You have to double click in the picture, but not in the middle. Then you will go to the You Tube.

Animals better than you

You have to double click in the picture but not in the middle.

Sekunda A

Polish trees




this is the three-language dictionary of the birds around us. Unfortunately we could put the sound there. \you can find the sound in the twinspace and we will send you a CD.

Polish students


Polish school


We didn´t have more pictures available.

Trees with the sound

Here is our presentation.



We have created three-language dictionary. Czech-English-Polish. The students also studied the pronunciation of the Polish words.



Students worked in groups and created several powerpoint presentations. Here are some of them joined together. They can be used as teaching material in other classes.



Sekunda- project work


Some pictures from the computer room. The students are working on the topic Rainforests. They used powerpoint presentations. We spent two hours in the computer room and the children were really great. The topic from the students´book has become the part of our project.

National Park in Poland


Polish help for nature


The Day of the trees


We are helping the trees. We are planting new trees.

Klic- our trip to the highest mountain


Our first trip

The Lužické Mountains aren´t a large area in northern Bohemia.They form the border between the Czech Republic and Germany. The small part in Germany is called The Zitava Mountains/ Zittauer Gebirge/. The highest mountain is called Luž and it is 793m high.
More than a half of this area is covered in forests/ in the past it used to be maily beech and fir, nowadys it is spruce and pine./ On the top of the mountain range there is an important watershed between The North and Baltic Seas.
Since 1976 The Lužické Mountains have been put on the list of the protected areas and the most precious places are the part of the 16 smaller protected areas.
We are going to visit some of them during this school year. The first is the mountain Klíč / in translation – KEY/
Key- is 760m high and from the top of this mountain there is a beautiful view all around. The mountain is created from PHONOLITE.
KEY- the natural reservation proclaimed in 1967, there are rare plants,
birds which nest here are for example-RAVEN, FALCON
we can also meet a CHAMOIS / a special type of a mountain goat /
Pomáháme přírodě = We are helping the nature
Poznáváme přírodu= We are learning about the nature
Hrajeme si v přírodě= We are playing in the nature
Games: Poznej svůj strom/= guess your tree/ for pairs of the students
step1- one of the students will cover his eyes and the other will take him to a tree in a forest around.
step 2.- the „blind“ students tries to search the tree by other senses
step3.-then they return to the basic place, they uncover the eyes and they are trying to find their tree.
Game 2- Cooperation-
we need a small ring, a little ball and some strings.
1. put the ring on the ground and tie pieces of the string all around
2. place the ball on the ring in the middle
3. Each member of the group will hold one piece of the string
4. Raise the strings with the ball and walk with it.
5. Do not let the ball fall off.
6. All the group has to cooperate not to lose the ball.
All these things you will see in our presentation.
We are looking forward to seeing yours.

Trees in pictures


Polish trees


This is the presentation from our partner.

The beginning of the project

We started this project in autumn 2007. First it was only a group of students who attend my biology club but later we decided to have an etwinning project with a school from abroad. It was not easy to find the right school but finally we got the school from Poland. Our partners are a bit older but they are very nice and we are in contact on the twinspace of the etwinning.net. Our main aim is the introduce the environment we live in through more interesting way. We study trees, plants, animals and we also learn how to use the ICT tools to make our project nicer. Because I do not speak English, my colleague translates my texts and helps me with the communication with Poland. The Polish biology teacher has the same problem. She can't speak English, so her friend the English teacher helps her. So we have a group of four teachers who must cooperate every day to work on this project.