The Lužické Mountains aren´t a large area in northern Bohemia.They form the border between the Czech Republic and Germany. The small part in Germany is called The Zitava Mountains/ Zittauer Gebirge/. The highest mountain is called Luž and it is 793m high.
More than a half of this area is covered in forests/ in the past it used to be maily beech and fir, nowadys it is spruce and pine./ On the top of the mountain range there is an important watershed between The North and Baltic Seas.
Since 1976 The Lužické Mountains have been put on the list of the protected areas and the most precious places are the part of the 16 smaller protected areas.
We are going to visit some of them during this school year. The first is the mountain Klíč / in translation – KEY/
Key- is 760m high and from the top of this mountain there is a beautiful view all around. The mountain is created from PHONOLITE.
KEY- the natural reservation proclaimed in 1967, there are rare plants,
birds which nest here are for example-RAVEN, FALCON
we can also meet a CHAMOIS / a special type of a mountain goat /
Pomáháme přírodě = We are helping the nature
Poznáváme přírodu= We are learning about the nature
Hrajeme si v přírodě= We are playing in the nature
Games: Poznej svůj strom/= guess your tree/ for pairs of the students
step1- one of the students will cover his eyes and the other will take him to a tree in a forest around.
step 2.- the „blind“ students tries to search the tree by other senses
step3.-then they return to the basic place, they uncover the eyes and they are trying to find their tree.
Game 2- Cooperation-
we need a small ring, a little ball and some strings.
1. put the ring on the ground and tie pieces of the string all around
2. place the ball on the ring in the middle
3. Each member of the group will hold one piece of the string
4. Raise the strings with the ball and walk with it.
5. Do not let the ball fall off.
6. All the group has to cooperate not to lose the ball.
All these things you will see in our presentation.
We are looking forward to seeing yours.